The start

The Miraculous 4000 Mile Trip

The First leg

             1803, Lewis traveled to Harpers Ferry, Virginia(West Virginia) and Philadelphia to get resources to last and endure the journey. He started learning multiple subjects such as astronomy, botany, mathematics, and other subjects.

            He soon went around to meet the members of the Corps of Discovery in different towns. One of the members was an enslaved man who was owned by Clark, his name was York and didn't receive his freedom until after 1815 went by. 

 Picture of Harpers Ferry(West Virginia)

            Some of the supplies they collected were ammunition, clothing,surveying instruments,medical supplies/medicine and a lot more. They also collected gifts for the natives such as beads, face paint, knives and more. It took them a lot of time to prepare for this adventure so there were no mistakes or incidents, the plans were delayed from making a boat frame at Harpers Ferry.

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