Lewis and clark

The Miraculous 4000 Mile Trip

Who was Lewis and Clark

          Merriweather Lewis started his life in 1774, in Virginia but moved to Georgia as a teen and came back to dive back into education soon enough he graduated from school. Which he chose to join the military and help end the Whiskey Rebellion, which made farmers mad at the government taxing whiskey, which they mainly used for trade currency and money. And soon got the captains title, at the age of 27 he was the personal secretary to Thomas Jefferson the president at the time.

Portrait of Merriweather Lewis

           William Clark was born in Virginia in 1770 but moved to Kentucky when he was 15, but at age 19 he joined the military. In the military he served the army with Lewis and soon made lieutenant of infantry by George Washington. Clark later retired from the army and stayed at his family estate, but Lewis requested him after many years to start this journey into the unknown. 

Portrait of William Clark

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