Coming Home

The Miraculous 4000 Mile Trip

The Final Step

           Lewis and Clark left camp and got their horses back from the Nez Perce, and made it out of the mountains and split to cover more ground, and would meet where the Yellowstone and Missouri river intersect. Clark's team got in a violent fight because they tried stealing their horses and killed two Black Feet Indians out of the eight. It was the most violent event aside from Lewis getting shot at his buttocks, it was painful and inconvenient but not fatal. 

Pompey's pillar Clark's name and date on rock

Named after Sacagawea's son who they nicknamed Pomepy 

Parting ways 

            After that regrouped they dropped off Sacagawea at the Mandan villages, and headed down the Missouri River. Arriving in St. Louis on September 23, where they were greeted by the people congradtulating the Corps of Discovery. 
